Dissemination of Corporate Communications

Arrangements for Dissemination of Corporate Communications

Pursuant to Rule 2.07 of The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, and in line with the expansion of paperless regime and electronic dissemination of Corporate CommunicationsNote which came into effect from 31 December 2023, Champion Real Estate Investment Trust (“Champion REIT”) writes to inform you that it has adopted electronic means for dissemination of Corporate Communications. For details:


Should you have any queries relating to the above arrangements, please call Champion REIT’s hotline at (852) 2879 1288 or send your enquiries to [email protected].

Note: Corporate Communications refer to any documents issued or to be issued by Champion REIT for the information or action of holders of any of its securities, including but not limited to (a) annual report; (b) interim report; (c) notice of meeting; (d) listing document; (e) circular; and (f) proxy form.